By setting fair and consistent boundaries that are appropriate to the child’s age
By presenting ourselves as positive role models.
By providing activities so the children can feel proud of their achievements.
What if a child is upset and doesn’t want the parent to leave?
We reassure the child and try to engage him/her in an activity.If the child continues to be upset we would ask the parent to return after 15 minutes to settle and reassure the child.
How much notice is needed to cancel a crèche?
As much notice a possible! If you give us at least 48 hours of a cancellation, then no charge will be made, otherwise we will have to make a charge in full.
What activities do you provide?
Painting Gluing, Play-dough, puzzles, story telling, dancing, singing, construction, imaginary play, to name but a few!
How do you promote equal opportunities?
By Valuing ALL children.
By having a variety of activity’s and resources that provide positive images which reflect a diverse community.
By celebrating festivals and events that also reflect a diverse community.
By keeping up to date and accurate records of all the children.
By celebrating all the children’s achievements, making them feel special and proud of themselves.
We follow a cpmprenhesive Equal Opportunity policy.